Friday, June 15, 2007


i spend almost 3 hours in the car each day, most of it alone. you would think that would allow me the opportunity to reflect on how fortunate i am. i'm ashamed to say that most of the ride is spent either on the phone, planning the day, night or upcoming weekend, discussing the divorce, catching up with friends, arguing with clay about how he thinks i run red lights (which i don't) or maybe just maybe listening to some music and escaping from it all- for a moment at least.

what i need to do is turn the radio off, throw the cell phone in a lake, quit talking about the divorce and let it run it's course and just be thankful.

thankful for:
  • having a solid relationship with the most incredible child
  • waking up again to enjoy a new day
  • having a family that stands by each other- thru thick and thin, right or wrong
  • a home where i can tuck my son in bed at night
  • my sons health
  • a career that allows me to support myself and my son
  • loyal friends that forgive me when i screw up
  • my two brothers
  • my kitties
  • how my mom is always there- even when i don't want her to be.... but end up needing her to be and she knows it.
  • how my dad brags to my mom about how smart he thinks i am...
  • a, l, b, f, t, b, r, j, t, m, s........ you know who you are.
  • and so much more...

so today, thursday, june 14...... i will remember to be grateful for everything and everyone in my life. when i have a difficult time, i will remind myself of the good fortunes i have and that it could always be worse.