My stbsil-regardless tagged me. She knows I don't know 8 people in the blogging world, but..... here goes.
1.) We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
2.) Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3.) People who are tagged write their own blog post about their eight things and include these rules.
4.) At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
8 random things about me:
1. I count stairs. No, I don't have to go back to the bottom if I miss a step but I do get rather irritated with myself if I count "15" when I know it should be "16".
2. I have secretly fallen in love with myspace. shhhh-don't tell anyone.
3. I use to think I wasn't a girlie girl- but over time have realized that I am... or atleast try to be. I want to be the makeup carrying, strapy sandle wearing, hair fixin', nail doin' girlie type that i use to make fun of.... all thanks to YOU..... (you know who you are too)
4. I don't use recipes when I cook. So don't ask me for one if you like something I make.
5. My best friend is 4 1/2 years old.
6. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, General Hospital is my favorite tv show, Tetris is my favorite game, Flip flops are my favorite shoe, Tarheels are my favorite team.
7. One year, my brothers and I started taking goofy pictures of the three of us making weird faces and gave it to my mom. Somehow the trend had progressed to actually going to a photographer and having one professionally made. She loves them and has them all framed.
8. I can text WAY faster than you.... it's true.
I am tagging Linds cause she will think it's funny , Tunisia cause you work too hard and need a break, Beth because you are my big sister, Lacey because you are my newest friend, Faith cause you are missed, Renae because I'm glad your back, BJ because you will always be my "first friend" and Sarah cause you are farthest from me.