Thursday, May 24, 2007

you get what you give

on my way to work the other day.... listening to one of my all time favorite cd's... i've probably heard this particular song 100's of times. i can quote the lyrics like i'm part of the band.

"and when the day is done
what you receive is the sum
of what you took out
from what you put in"

i start thinking... what will my sum be at the end of it all? will it be positive? negative? if you were to poll those in my life, past and present, what would they say? does what they say matter? what if i've made peace with these things but they are unable to forgive? what if they have forgiven me but i find no peace? do my contributions outweigh my withdrawals? if my withdrawals were not intentional am i held accountable? if my contributions happened out of luck, do i get "credit"?

i want my sum to be positive.